What we do
The yellow box for a green heart.
For us, protecting the environment doesn’t end at the gates to our facilities. And that’s why we’re so proud of the fact that we’ve been contributing to the success of the ‘Beedabei’ project since 2019, which was launched with the motto ‘Bienen dabei – sei dabei’ (‘bees there – be there’). Working with the project initiators, we hope to raise social awareness of the decline in bee populations – and do something about it.
The project will be activated at least once a year until 2025. But the Beedabei edition of the Aqua Andalucia flower box is a permanent product in our range, the proceeds of which benefit the project. A look at German nurseries reveals that the issue of bee protection is becoming more and more important, as they increasingly offer Beedabei boxes featuring bee-friendly plants in their range.

About BeeDabei
Beedabei is one of the winning projects from an ideas competition for sustainable urban development, tendered as part of Nuremberg’s bid for European Capital of Culture. The objective of Beedabei is to raise awareness of bee mortality among the public through distinctive yellow bee feeders produced exclusively for the project. Beedabei is now well-known throughout Europe and has a media presence through regular art projects. For more information about the project, see www.beedabei.de. Be part of it – Beedabei.
The small, yellow boxes were made available in various guerrilla campaigns.
More than just a social issue, diversity is also highly relevant when it comes to the environment. Whilst monocultures, which tend to dominate the landscape, optimise agricultural yields, they do so at the expense of the smallest and busiest helpers.
As the range of available food shrinks, so too do the bee populations, with devastating effects on our ecosystem. The Beedabei art project was launched in 2019 to raise awareness of this problem, with more than 220 labelled yellow Geli flower boxes featuring bee-friendly plants displayed as a work of art in the main market square in Nuremberg. The planted boxes were given away to passers-by at the end of the initiative, scattering bee-friendly plants throughout the city, which were recognised as such and thus encouraged others to get involved. Thanks to several art initiatives like this, bees can enjoy 4,388 feeders throughout Europe. A small, but proper and important, step in expressing the significance of biodiversity. We’re happy to be there. Bees there – be there.
Bees are responsible for pollinating 70 % of all the vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts we eat on a daily basis.
A bee visits more than 2,000 blossoms a day.
A single bee colony can pollinate three million fruit blossoms a day.